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(1 edit)

I love how you write these goobers with their extra unnecessary letters and incoherent garbling. They come off like they're fae beings or something- mean-spirited or not- that just kinda roll with whatever everyone else is doing no matter what's happening. It's entertaining even if you don't care about smut. 

Just like with Slash Cucumber XXX, you've done an excellent job of injecting fun into eating a tree. Sure, it's short, but the branching paths are great and they make the shortness work as a part of the experience. Super cool, love it!

Amazing game! I enjoyed it more than your previous ones. Your art style is so cool, and this one was sick all around. The gameplay was a lot more fun than the action-platforming of the last one. I like the point and click adventure style, and the "combat" was a lot more interesting. You improved almost everything, really great work.

The only negative I can even think of is that it felt a bit short, but I am just greedy for more lol. Thanks for the game, I'm looking forward to any future projects!

so far im loving it, just wish there was a way to make multiple saves, so i could simultaneously do good and bad end

There will hopefully be!

hell yea finally got a new computer now I get to play a masterpiece

(2 edits)

Honestly i really liked this game i like all the attention to details and how you slowly learn the best way to progress it feels so rewarding, also the art its pretty awesome i love the designs of this fellas, also i think the writing of the characters really makes you invest with them especially our protagonist, great job i may give it a shoot to play the past ones 

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